Thursday 7 August 2014

Have You Stolen Someone Else's Lunch?

   Had an interesting chat with Tonya Cherry this morning, where she was saying 11% of people admit to stealing someone else's lunch from the fridge. How many people have done it and not admitted to it remains a mystery, but it's surely a lot more than 11%.
   She asked if I had ever stolen someones lunch. The answer is a big "No". And there are several reasons behind that. First: I work early mornings, so by the time "lunch" rolls around, my day is done and I can head home for something to eat. There are times when I'll stop in at Tim's before getting to work for a muffin or bagel or 2.
   Second: I don't feel the need to grab someone else's bologna and peanut butter sandwich out of the fridge. Third: I like the people I work with, and taking their lunch is a sure fire way to get into somebody's "bad book", which I try and avoid. Fourth: A lot of people's idea of what makes a delicious lunch isn't mine. In fact, there have been times I've wondered exactly what was in a co-worker's lunch after smelling it.
   That said, I have inadvertently removed a co-workers lunch from the fridge in the lounge where I worked at in Regina. But when I realized my mistake, I put it back immediately. Untouched.


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