Wednesday 6 August 2014

Have We Stopped Thinking?

   A new book in Canada would point that way, suggesting the wired world we now live in is to blame. And to some extent, I would tend to agree that (to some extent) smartphones and the internet are killing our ability to think.
   The author of the book says he challenged himself to "unplug", after feeling he was addicted to the on-line world. He says he was surprised at how strong the urge was to re-connect and get back on-line. Like any addiction (and I've successfully fought a tobacco addiction), he says it was a tough battle.
   As for his belief that the on-line world is killing our ability to stop and think: No. I don't see that. In fact, I'd almost make the case that the "wireless universe" is actually promoting thought. When it's used properly.
   I, like so many people, have a "smart phone". I'm almost constantly on-line. I'm on facebook. I have this blog. But you know what? I also use the 'net as a tool. And not just to watch videos or play MMO games either (although both are fun).
   Doing even a little checking on line can produce good results. I've used the 'net and world wide web for not a simple few of the posts right here. A quick example: This past weekend's post about World War 1. I made use of information gathered on-line for it, since it's not a topic I have a vast amount of knowledge about. Even something as mundane as watching a video about something can lead you to areas and subjects you might find personally fascinating. Which, in turn, opens the door to new ideas through that video or link. That's if you are willing to make the 'click' onto whatever link you find.
   I'm not saying people don't abuse it. Things like checking how many "likes" your recent facebook post has received, or texting other people ad nauseam. So I do get what the author is saying about internet addiction, which is real, and the need to dis-connect. Which is something I have no problem doing.


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