Monday 11 August 2014

Another Treasure

   Way back in October (4th to be exact), I blogged about little local treasures you should make a point of hunting down in your home community. One of the ones that still stands out for me, even though I no longer live in Regina, is the Italian Star Deli:
   It's a mainstay in that city's downtown for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact they have some of the most wonderful imported goods (and sandwiches). But also for the family that runs it, the Giambattista’s.
   Frank and Gina started the place in 1966, and now son Carlo runs the business. That brings me to the whole point of this post. It's hard to believe, but I've known Carlo for 17 years now, and have the honor of calling him "friend".
   Carlo is one of "those kind" of people. You know, the type of person who always has a smile and a kind word for everyone.He knows probably hundreds of people by name, and seems to always make time to greet and have a chat with them. No matter how busy he is.
   Whenever I'm in Regina, I try and drop in for a quick visit. And maybe one of their handcrafted sandwiches as well.


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