Saturday 30 November 2019

Feeling Old Part 3

   Hard as it is to believe, Pink Floyd's iconic album "The Wall" was released 40 years ago today on November 30, 1979. The album contains one of my favourite songs of all time "Comfortably Numb", although I admit I prefer the live version from the "Pulse" concert in 1995.
   I personally believe it's the 2nd best album they put out, after Dark Side Of The Moon. Not that their other albums aren't good, just personal preference.
   So, how does this make me fell old? I was 23 years old, and working in Prince George, B.C when it came out. There you go.
   I think when I get off work today, I might just give it a spin. It's been a while since I listened to it all the way through.
   And yes, I'm working on a Saturday.


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