Monday 18 November 2019

Not The Best Of Weekends

   First, an apology for not posting anything last week. While it was a busy week, there really wasn't much to blog about.
   We decided to go to Regina this past Saturday to get our Christmas shopping done. We don;t have many people to buy for, and those that we do are a little difficult to find the "right" gift. The trip to Regina (about 190 kilometers one way) would have taken care of it all in just a few stops. But Mother Nature had different plans. There was some minor pavement frost on the highway heading down, which isn't really a huge concern. Until it starts raining or snowing.
   Just about the exact half-way point in the trip is a small town called Balcarres. And ust before we got there, it started snowing. By the time we got through the town, it was nearly white-out conditions, and the highway was getting icy. So, I made the decision to turn back. Regina will still be there, and we can go there this coming weekend.
   Adding injury on top of everything, I took a tumble Sunday, and it was completely my fault. We had a large cardboard box we needed to get rid of, so I loaded it up and went to one of the large recycling bins in the community. The box was just a little too large for me to cram it in. So, rather than doing the logical thing, getting my knife out and cutting the box down, I took the lazy way. I put it on the ground and tried to stomp on it. Since the ground had ice and snow on it, you can guess the result. I went down, Hard. On my rear-end and right elbow. I also re-sprained my left wrist (which I damaged a couple of years ago), and wrenched my right knee. I did not hit my head, thankfully.
   The upshot is I'm now limping around the office (and home for that matter). My tail-bone still hurts, and I don't know how long my wrist will be sore.
   Lesson learned the hard way: Do NOT stomp on a cardboard box when it's icy/snowy.


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