Friday 1 November 2019

A New Month, And Time Change Weekend

   Welcome November, goodbye October. We have, as you can plainly see, started a new month. Last night, of course, was Halloween. We didn't get very many Trick or Treaters last night. Only about 6. But that's due, in part, to where we live. And the fact our street has very few homes yet. I think we had maybe 12 last year, which, for us, was a good crowd. Unlike last year, I only bought one box of candies, so my waistline shouldn't suffer too much, since it ain't going to get thrown out.
   This is also the weekend most of North America "falls back" to Standard Time
   Meaning a lot of people get an extra hour of sleep Sunday morning. The big notable exceptions are Saskatchewan, parts of Arizona and Hawaii, where we don't adjust out timepieces. Now, there's talk in British Columbia of them staying on DST year round.
   Saskatchewan's case is unique, since the line for the time change is the 105th meridian, which bi-sects the province, meaning no one could decide which time zone to go with. It's simpler and easier just to leaves the clocks where they are.
   I've said in blogs past I've never been in favour of the time change, and I never will be. Not that I'm against getting an extra hour's sleep in the fall, but I've always hated losing that hour in spring. I maintain that to this day.


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