Monday 4 November 2019

Feeling Old

   And it's because on this date, November 4, 1979, the Iran hostage crisis began. Hard-line Islamist students stormed the U.S Embassy in Tehran, triggering a 444 day ordeal for 52 staffers. That's 40 years ago now. I would have been in my first job in radio, at a small station in Peace River at the time. The ordeal finally ended in January, 1981, when I was in Prince George, B.C at my 2nd radio job.
  And part and parcel was the so-called Canadian Caper, where 6 U.S diplomats were housed in our embassy, and later "smuggled" out of Iran on false Canadian passports.
   To mark the anniversary in Iran, people stood outside the former U.S Embassy chanting "Death to Americas" and "Death to Israel".
   And in just 5 days, it's the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which went up starting in June, 1961 at tr he height of the Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the Western Alliance.
   It does make one feel old.


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