Tuesday 7 May 2019

Work Continues

   As I posted last week (my view for the next few weeks), we're getting some work done on the building housing our radio stations, with new exterior stone cladding being installed. In my last update, I mentioned scaffolding was going to sprout up soon to allow for the work to continue. It has, along with what I can only describe as some kind of safety screen, to protect our windows. Pardon the poor quality, with the reflection of the lights.
   The downside of this is, of course, we can't see outside to check the weather. Not that that's such a big deal. Nothing a quick walk down the hall (which will do me some good anyway) will solve.
   Judging by the speed they've been working at it, I'm hopeful our view will once again be unimpeded in the next week, maybe 2 at the most, before they move on to the floor below us.


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