Thursday 23 May 2019


   More specifically, this one, our newest addition Minerva:
   Who seems to have gotten the idea in her little kitty brain that shredding toilet paper is a good thing to do:
   Luckily, it was nearing the end, so it wasn't that big a deal. Until I looked around for the replacement we put as a courtesy for when the roll is empty on the bathroom counter. She'd had a go at that one too.
   I've seen plenty of videos on Facebook posted by people who have been in the same situation, but we did not expect her to start.
   Not that we haven't dealt with some bad cat behaviour in the past. One of our boy cats, who had to be put to sleep due to illness last year, was fond of stripping the caulk off the bathtub, which usually lead to my talking about our cat that liked caulk. Get your mind out of the gutter.
   But this is something new, and hopefully short-lived.
   Short term solutions: 1); Shut the bathroom door. A last-ditch effort, as the humidity in any bathroom can get quite high, leading to possible mold. 2); Put the T.P in a place she can't get to it, which is the most logical solution, and one we've adopted.


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