Thursday 2 May 2019


   That's the cat tree we got for our fur babies well over 2 years ago, and as you might be able to see, it's in pretty rough shape. It was bound to be, with 3 cats using it. The sisal rope was pretty much gone from most of the legs, and one of the kitty nests was nearly worn through. It had to be replaced.
   Putting that new one together took a while (and some very bad language), but after struggling with the legs (I put one in the wrong place), and trying to get that darn cat-cave on (I was using the wrong screw), it's together.
   And what did 2 of our cats do?
   Yup! Continued to use the old, gnarly tree. But not for long. I've started dismantling the old one, taking the top perch's and their support posts off, so they'll have to use the new one.
   I just hope it lasts as long as the one it replaced.


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