Tuesday 21 May 2019

Did You Watch?

   I admit when the show first came out (and for a few seasons after it did) I had no interest whatever in Game of Thrones. I also admit I tried reading the books, but only got a couple of chapters in before putting it down again. My wife changed part of that a few years ago, and I started watching the show on DVD. I'll also admit, I became a fan. Not quite as rabid as my wife, but I've watched all the series through. In fact, we binge-watched the previous 7 seasons ahead of the last one.
   Since we knew this was the final season, I decided to get HBO and PVR so we could record it, since we both have early bed-times on Sundays.
   Fans will know season 8 was pushed back an entire year to allow for filming and production. And frankly, I don't think it was worth it.
   Not that the acting or production was off. But the writing wasn't, in my humble opinion. quite as good as it has been up until now.
   I won't throw any spoilers out, but when the 2 main antagonists are killed before the final episode, it leave one wondering WTH? I will say the finale was okay, in that it tied up a lot of loose ends and did, as far as possible, wrap things up.
   To be fair, I haven't seen a series finale that hasn't been a bit of a disappointment in one way or another going as far back as the final episode of M*A*S*H.
   Will I be buying Season 8 on DVD when it comes out? Yes. Will I watch it again? Yes. Will I try and get through the books again? Doubtful.


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