Thursday 16 May 2019

We Got Our View Back

   As regular viewers will know, our building has been undergoing a massive exterior upgrade since last fall, due to concerns about the cladding.
   Back on May 1st, the crane arrived to hoist the scaffolding in place, and just 9 days ago our view was blocked by what I believe was safety curtains due to the work around our newsroom.
   It must have been late yesterday the scaffolding had been lowered to the next floor to allow for work there. Meaning we got our view back. It also means we don't have to trek down the hall (not that it was a big deal) to check the weather conditions.
   In all of this, I need to make a confession. I did not notice the view was opened again until a co-worker mentioned it. I don't know if it was simply due to the fact that you get used to something, and it literally becomes just part of the background, or if I'm simply not as observant as I thought I was, or I'd better get my eyes checked..pronto!
   Anyway, it's good to have our view back.


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