Wednesday 3 April 2019

She's Certainly Growing Fast

   Our little girl "Minerva" isn't so little anymore. We got her in January, as regular viewers will know, to fill a void in the household. Mini, as we've shortened her name to, remains a bit of a demon, attacking our other 2 cats, plus our feet, legs and almost anything else she can get her claws and teeth into. Because of that, she remains segregated in my wife's home office at night, and unfortunately will remain so until her rambunctiousness subsides.
   But she's definitely growing into adulthood. She should. She eats enough. Not only her rations of cat food (and then some), but just about anything else as well. My wife, for example, used to have a piece of toast or 2 for breakfast. Mini grabs it right out of her hand, and starts munching it down. It's the same when my wife makes her sandwich for work. She'll literally grab the meat right out of it.
   Mini's due to be spayed in a month or so when she's 6 months old, and we're hoping that may tame her wild-side a bit. We hope so, 'cause we'd like to let her enjoy sleeping on the bed with us and the other 2 cats at night.
   Time will tell.


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