Tuesday 16 April 2019

An Enormous Tragedy

   As you probably know, the 850 year old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was heavily damaged by fire Monday evening. The spire toppled, and much of the roof collapsed. Firefighters were able to save both the stone towers that flanked the entrance to the structure. At this point, the cause isn't known, but Paris officials believe it was accidental, and not arson or an act of terror, as the building was undergoing renovation at the time.
   Several historic and religious items were saved, but sadly many are sure to have been lost. France's president vows the cathedral will be rebuilt, and already money is being collected for that purpose. Fashion house LVHM has reportedly committed more than $200 million, and financial offers have already been made by the government of Australia, while other support has been pledged by Japan and South Korea.
   While the cathedral can be restored and rebuilt, the art and other treasures consumed by the flames will be lost for eternity. The fire wasn't just a loss for the Catholic Church or Paris of even France. It's a loss for all of us, religious or not.


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