Monday 29 April 2019


   I don't know what I did, or how I did it, but one my knees (leftie) has been giving me hell the past 2 days. It was fine Saturday, but Sunday it started to ache. By the time I went to bed, it was all I could do to make it up the stairs. and back down again to head in to the office.
   And then there was trying to sleep. Not only does my knee hurt, but I'm also afflicted with restless leg syndrome. That's where my leg twitches uncontrollably. And as luck would have it, my left is worse than the right. Which made every twitch painful, to say the least.
   Not that I haven't had problems with my left knee in the past (or the right one, for that matter). Way back in Junior High School in Calgary, my left knee was hit by a guy on a motorcycle. Not very fast, but enough to cause some damage. Which has apparently now decided to show up again.
   If things don't straighten out soon, I may have to do the thing I don't like doing: Go to my local sawbones and get it checked out.


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