Friday 29 March 2019

Goodbye March

   As of this posting, there are still 2 days left in March, but judging from the forecast I'm getting, the month will go out rather lamb-ish, rather than like a lion. Which is how it came in, at least temperature-wise.
   At the start of March, we were looking at daytime highs of -18 Celsius, but we also got up to +12 later in the month.
   And we were also spared the nearly traditional snowstorm at the start of the month, which usually brings a lot of misery with it. Not to say we didn't get the odd snow-shower. We got some snow earlier this week, right after I had my winter tires taken off, and the 3-seasons put on. And it even snowed a bit this morning.
   April can also be a bear of a month, with snow an almost foregone conclusion at some point or other. But at least with April, the days get longer and it gets warmer


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