Tuesday 9 April 2019

I Tried It

   I've been known to bring in some off-beat foods to work from time to time. Maybe not off-beat to most of you, but certainly to some here at the radio station.The latest was bringing in kimchi for our mid-day host Tonya Cherry. Which she tried. And told me she liked.
   Well, today was my, and a lot of other announcers turns, for her to try something on. That something was sardines on toast. I've had sardines in the past, and don't mind them too much. However, Tonya went a few steps above simply serving them on toast. She topped them with onions, and creme of mushroom soup. I tried it, and will admit it wasn't all that bad. Would I have it again? No. Emphatically, no!
   Still, I did better than my morning host Danny Ismond, who refused to try it at all. But then, Danny also didn't like sushi (although he does a little more now), or kimchi. I just wonder what culinary concoction we'll be subject to next.


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