Wednesday 20 March 2019


   Spring officially arrives/arrived today, and I for one am more than ready. The vernal equinox, when the sun crosses the equator, will be/was at 15:58 where I live. Meaning the days will get longer. Until September and the Autumnal equinox. It seems to me, and a lot of others, that this past winter was especially brutal. True, we didn't get many major snowstorms, although I've still got quite an accumulation of snow in my front yard. But it was brutally cold this year. In fact, it seemed as if we were in the deep-freeze for nearly 2 months.
   And while it's officially spring, and we have had much milder weather the past few days, it doesn't mean we're out of the woods weather wise just yet. Although there are just 11 days left in March, it can be a brutal month, and April can, and has, also brought snow.
   But at least we're officially, by celestial standards, out of winter.
   Now I just have to decide if I want to switch my tires over from winter to 3-season radials in t he next week or so, or leave them on. Just in case.


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