Tuesday 12 March 2019

An Enigma

   Got this in the mail the other day, and can't for the life of me figure out who sent it. All I know is it's most likely from Regina from "some crazy co-worker". Which could be a lot of people. I worked there for almost 16 years, and there are still a lot of people there I'm still friends with.
   I think the first image is a beer "coozie", but what the gopher signifies remains a mystery. The full text reads: "Hi Craig. Hope you are doing well out in perogie country. I thought you'd get a laugh out of this postcard. Drop me a line if you figure out who sent this to you! Sincerely, some crazy former co-worker".
   I'm pretty sure it was sent from Regina, because of the postal code stamp S4P. But that's about all. It was not addressed to my home, but rather c/o GX94 here in Yorkton. But again, I'm drawing a complete blank as to who may have sent it. The hand-writing isn't familiar, but is legible enough to rule out a few people I worked with there.
   Hopefully, I can solve this. Either that, or have whoever sent it identify his/her self. It was good for a chuckle, though.


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