Monday 25 March 2019

Today I Re-Tire

   The car. I'm having the winter tires taken off, and my 3-season radials put on. It's not a very good joke, I admit. But I've gotten quite the reaction a couple of times when I post that I'm re-tiring.
   Am I doing the switch too early? Quite possibly. But we've had temperatures nearing 12 Celsius in the past week, and that's not good for the rubber compound on the winter skins. And wouldn't you know it? It's supposed to snow tonight. Not a lot, and it won't be around that long, either. But enough to make me rethink (briefly) having it done today. However, we're not going to get much, and it will warm up again. Plus, the radials are good to about -7, and it looks like this morning was the coldest forecast for the week at -10 when I got in.
   But if I post tomorrow about the 5 inches of snow we unexpectedly got, you'll know who to blame!


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