Friday 8 March 2019

It's FINALLY Going To Warm Up

   And not a day too soon, either. It seems I've been wearing the heavy winter parka and ugly ear-flap hat for the better part of 2 months now, but apparently that is going to change. In fact, rolling out of the house this morning it was -12 C, and the forecast for today is a high of -1. That's a huge difference from the -25 C and windchill of -35 yesterday when I got to the office.
   The dome of bitterly cold Arctic air that had gripped most of our region is finally being pushed out, and milder air is flooding in. The weekend will be a little cool, but not brutal, and the forecast for next Tuesday is plus 1!
   Being a natural born sceptic, I admit to having little faith in long-range forecasts, and (much as I hate to say it) I think in the next day or 2 we'll see Tuesday's high drop. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong, as I have been so many times in the past, since we're well overdue for milder air, if not an early start to spring.
   And maybe, just maybe, March will go  out like a lamb. Maybe.


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