Tuesday 25 September 2018

Changing Seasons

   Autumn arrived in the Northern hemisphere this past weekend, but with the weather we've had, it's hard to tell if we skipped ahead one full season:
   An old picture, but it does sum up what it's been like here. Grey, cold and even snow. And it's getting darker earlier and earlier to boot. None of these things are unusual, but my wife and I also noticed 2 things which signify that if Winter isn't here yet, it's certainly coming.
   One is the seasonal switch of vehicles in the back of pick-up trucks. My wife noticed someone took the quad out, and put a snowmobile in. And this morning, I had to scrape ice from the windshield. Not a lot, but a harbinger of what's to come. Enough for me to dig out my snow shovel and clean the steps.
   Of course, that doesn't mean winter is right on the doorstep, far from it! We usually get a bit of warmer weather in October, before the deep freeze, snow and generally yucky conditions of winter.
   Of course, we do have spring to look forward to, with melting ice and snow, longer days and warmer weather. But that's still 6 months away. If this sounds like I'm whining, well, maybe I am. A little.


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