Wednesday 5 September 2018

Childhood Memories

   They're from my, and apparently a lot of other peoples, childhood as well. A post I made to one of the social media groups I subscribe to has got a lot of attention. A lot more than I ever thought it would get. I simply posted 2 pictures, and asked if anyone remembered these:

   That's the old fashioned cigarette rolling machine dad used back in the '60's. He'd sit at the table with the roller, a tin or 2 of Black Cat tobacco and roll enough smokes for him and mum to last a few days to a week.
   The machine, believe it or not, was actually quite simple to use. There was a slot you'd put the tobacco in, roll it to a certain mark, put the paper in, roll it to another mark, wet the glue and finish rolling. It made 5 cigarettes at a time, which were cut with a razor blade using a guide on the back of the roller.
   Dad would roll enough to fill the can, and a couple of plastic cigarette cases they had. They had no filter, obviously, and packing the tobacco was a bit tricky. Too loose, and it would fall out of the cigarette. Too tight, and you couldn't draw on one.
   I used to use Dad's machine for a while, and more than once I'd roll a full-length one, and smoke the entire thing without cutting it first. It got a little gnarly by the time you'd get near the end.
   As of this entry, I'm still getting comments and reaction to the post. Which shows how powerful images can be to us baby boomers.
   My wife and I finally quit smoking 19 years ago.


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