Thursday 13 September 2018

Oh Give Me A Home.....

   The buffalo were roaming last night as our Supper in the Field contest took us to the Makowsky farm near Canora. I'd seen bison before, but never this close up. We drove from the farmyard to the pasture in our trusty GX94 RV, and were told not to get out of the vehicle, and keep the windows closed. They are wild animals, after all.
   One of the farm hands brought a couple of buckets of oats, which the bison trotted over to eat. I couldn't get a picture of him, but one of the larger bulls was named "Donald Trump", due to the way the hair on his hump looked.
   Then, it was back to their 2nd yard for the supper. Andrian Makowsky fired up the grill, and tossed on some bison burgers for us, while he and the crew chowed down on our catered supper provided by KFC. I tried a burger, and I'll say it's an acquired taste. A taste I have not acquired.
   Despite how close their farm was to Yorkton, by the time we visited the bison, had dinner, handed out the prizes and got back, it was well after 7:00 when I got home. Which is late for me, since I usually retire about 9:00.
   Still, it was a great evening had by all.


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