Monday 1 October 2018

In Like A Lion

   That's the view from one of our windows this morning, and October, apparently, IS coming in like a lion. Our forecast didn't say how much of the white stuff we're supposed to get, but it looks to continue today, probably tonight, and into tomorrow. So far, it's melting when it hits the pavement, but, as you can see, it's sticking to roofs.
   We're also getting some unseasonably cold weather, with today being the warmest at 4 Celsius. And it doesn't look promising for an October "thaw" right now, with some forecast models calling for the cool weather to be with us at least until the middle of the month.
   However, this is Saskatchewan, meaning anything could happen. I hope it does get warmer, though. I'm not ready yet (if I'll ever be) for winter.


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