Tuesday 4 September 2018

Back To Work

   It was a nice, if busy, week off. But now, I'm back at it for the next several months. Unlike the past 2 years, I was unable to can a batch of salsa this year. That's due in large part to tomato blight hitting our plants, but also to a very busy week off.
   I won't bore you with the details, other than to say that a good chunk 3 of my days off were spent in various doctor's offices, including an ear specialist in Regina. The upshot of that was I'll likely need a hearing aid. Surprise, surprise.
   Another couple of days were spent overseeing the installation of a storm door on the front of the house. It faces north, so in winter it can get very chilly indeed. It also plays havoc with the locks, to the point where I've needed a professional lock service to fix things. We also had a hall closet in the kitchen turned into a pantry. Nothing fancy, but somewhere other than a few cluttered cupboards we can put food stuffs.
   The only thing I missed about having more time off this morning was the luxury of rolling over and getting an hour or 2 more sleep after waking at my usual time of 03:45. And for the record, yes: It's nice to be back at work.


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