Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Poor Little Thing

   Our little girl had a fairly traumatic day yesterday. I got home from work at my usual time, and started putting some of my gear away in our walk-in bedroom closet. When I opened the door, she bolted out, and started blinking for several seconds. She'd been trapped in the utter dark for at least 6 hours.
   Apparently, she snuck into the closet when my wife opened the door to get something out before she went to work. She's a quiet kitty to begin with, not that it mattered with us gone, and never meowed once or scratched at the door to get out.
   I'm guessing she found a nice pile of clothes or a stack of sheets, curled up and just went to sleep until freedom came. At least she didn't leave anything nasty for me to clean up.
   And I bet it'll be a while before she tries to sneak in there again! But with cats, you never know.


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