Wednesday 17 January 2018

It's Melting!

   Last week, I blogged about the big ice storm we had in our region. Everything was coated in a fairly thick sheet of ice, including my car. Temperatures also plunged into the -30 C range, with windchills in the -40's, meaning nothing could get rid of it. City streets continue to be treacherous, despite the best efforts of road crews. When it gets that cold, they can't use salt, because the resulting mess will be worse than what they started out with. The ice and clod have also wreaked havoc on our door locks, rendering them almost impossible to open with our keys.
   That's going to change today. We're looking for daytime highs in the plus single digits the next few days. Which is rather a mixed blessing. There's no doubt it will help get rid of some of the ice we had from the freezing rain. I might even finally get it all off my car. But the downside is twofold. One, while it will help melt some of the ice and snow, the problem is it'll freeze again overnight, potentially causing more problems. Secondly, if it does get as warm as they say, there's a real risk of pavement frost coming up on highways. Which again is a problem.
   It isn't that I'm not happy to get out of the deep-freeze for the next few days, but I would've rather had highs in the -10 C range.
   Bit, as several people have posted on Facebook, at least we haven't seen a mosquito in months!


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