Thursday 25 January 2018

It's January 25th

   And that means it's Robbie Burns Day in celebration of the Scottish poet and lyricist born on this day in 1759. And that also means it's time for my bi-annual "donning of the kilt" for work:
   No, I'm not Scots (unless the consumption of Scotch qualifies me), but mostly Scandinavian. In fact, I'm 2nd generation Canadian on both my father and mothers side. But I digress.
   I really don't know how this all started 4 years ago, but it's a tradition I'm happy to continue, even if the end result is a couple of laughs from my co-workers.
   The kilt I've had for years, the hat was my dad's (bought when he went back to England in 1984), the pipes were an afterthought. They do work, albeit only the chanter. The drone pipes are simply to keep the look as real as possible. And no. I can't play them. I did manage to get some squeaking noises out of them, but as for anything even remotely resembling an actual tune, forget it.
   In fact, I've found that if you don't squeeze it, it dinna make that horrible noise.
   And of course, the questions was asked if I'd ever tried haggis (google it yourself). My answer: No. It's too offal.


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