Monday 8 January 2018

Back At It

   And I had a good stretch of time off. I also didn't accomplish a whole lot, which I guess is the main reason for having time off in the first place. The best part was I got to sleep in! Until 6:00 A.M! For me, that's a big deal, since my internal alarm clock usually wakes me by 3:30.
   About the only thing I did get done was my traditional holiday viewing of the Lords of the Rings trilogy. In fact, I was so lazy, I didn't do much as far as cooking went. Just some basic meals was all. Which is why I was rather surprised when I hopped on the scales for the first time in 2018 to find I'd lost another 3 pounds. I was fully expecting to have gained weight. And it was nice to have the brutally cold weather end, albeit only for a short time.
   So, that's it for schedules time off for the next 5 months. I won't get any more vacation time until late May, when my wife and I plan on taking a trip to Calgary to visit family and friends.
   The only fly in the ointment was a cold I had over Christmas. While I'm mostly over it now, I still have some congestion and a nasty, nagging cough. Hopefully, that'll be gone soon too.


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