Wednesday 10 January 2018

Ice, Ice Baby

   Freezing rain in our area last night meant for an interesting morning, after everything was coated in ice. I went to bed fully knowing I was going to have to scrape my windshield before starting my trek to the office. I got up a good half hour earlier than normal, and (after spreading sidewalk deicer liberally on the walks) shut the door to our house at 03:10. I got into the office, usually a 2 minute drive, at 03:50. 40 minutes from when I set off.
   And all that time, I was either trying to chip away at what was quite a thick coating of ice, using the winter windshield washer fluid to help, and just running the car to get it to melt. I finally managed to clear enough of the windshield and 2 side windows to see, and made it in. On some very slippery roads!
   Conditions were so bad that one of my co-workers, who walks to the office, slipped, fell on his back and hit his head hard enough to crack the ice on the sidewalk. He made it through the morning, but was going to get checked for concussion at the hospital.
   Hopefully, things improve before I leave today, as I have an appointment at 13:00.


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