Friday 29 December 2017

Happy New Year

   This is my last post for 2017. I'm also off on vacation next week, and won't return until January 8th. Because of that,  wanted to take a moment to wish you all the very best of 2018. I hope the coming year finds you all healthy and happy.
   As for the outgoing year, 2017 was, at least for me, not overly spectacular in either a good or bad way. Nothing stupendous happened, aside from me cutting off my long hair! I don't mean to sound trite, but it was "just another year".
   That's not to say nothing happened. There were plenty of events around the world that caused joy, concern and triggered tears as well.
   What's ahead for us in 2018?  My wife and I will actually take a vacation. With each other, which doesn't happen often enough. We'll be heading to Calgary for a long overdue visit with family, and maybe some old friends.
   Happy New Year everyone!


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