Friday 8 December 2017

The Wall Era Is Over

   We've lived in Saskatchewan (off and on) for more than 23 years, the majority (15) in Regina, and 4 in Yorkton. We moved back to the province in 1997, after an 8 year stint in Northern Ontario. During our move, I noticed signs promoting something called the Saskatchewan Party, a new political movement that started just a few months before our return,
   Fast forward a few years to 2004, when a Member of the Legislative Assembly from Swift Current, Brad Wall, became the party's 2nd full-time leader. Fast forward another 3 years, and the then 42 year old forms the first SaskParty majority government. He would go on to be re-elected 2 more times, making him the only party leader in the province to ever form 3 consecutive governments.
   In August, he announced his retirement effective January 27, 2018, and yesterday (Dec 7) attended his final legislative session.
   Like his policies or not, Wall had a tremendous impact. Under the SaskParty banner, the province's population and economy grew, although the economy has taken a hit in the past couple of years. Wall was also tireless in promoting Saskatchewan not only in Canada, but internationally as a destination.
   I was fortunate enough to have had several dealings with him during my 15 years in Regina, not the least of which were Provincial Budgets
   Mr. Wall was always our first guest after the budget came down. He also joined me on a few occasions when I had a call-in talk show there. I found him to be a very affable person, and while there was no doubt he had a political agenda, it never came across during our conversations, unless it was brought up.
   When he announced his retirement, he said he'd be glad going back to just being "Brad from Swift Current", and despite the fact a new leader will be chosen, a part of me will always know him simply as "Mr. Premier".
   Thanks for your 18 years in the Legislature, and your 10 as Premier, Brad.


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