Tuesday 19 December 2017

X-Mas Came Early

   And this is what Santa (otherwise known as my wife) brought me. We saw something similar in one of the specialty stores in Regina not long ago, and found out they were actually from an Indonesian import store in Grenfell, about an hour south-ish from where we live in Yorkton.
   Being curious, we trekked down there this past weekend, and saw the item above. It's a piece of teak driftwood, with a hand-blown glass bowl molded on top. The shop, The Village Merchant, had a bunch of other wonderful things aside from that, and the owner is right now on a buying spree in Indonesia. We were told to come back again in March or April when the shipments start arroving. and we will be back then!
   What did I get me wife in return? Two sheep. No, she's not starting a sheep farm or spinning woll. I got them through an international aid organization, Plan Canada, and they go to families in what we would call "poorer" countries. Not for eating. The families can sell the wool and milk for a profit to feed them, and help their village.
   Have a Merry Christmas!


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