Thursday 21 December 2017

I Ate Too Much

   But it was so worth it. Yesterday was the annual staff pot-luck lunch, and as you can see, we had a lot of food. My contribution was jambalaya. Last time I made a batch for the lunch was in 2014, but I had more than one request to reprise it this year.
   Our sports guru Benny Walchuk brought in some of his Nana's perogies (one of my favourites), and there was home-made pizza, plenty of salads and 2 chickens in place of the turkey someone usually deep-fry's.
   And the desserts. Home-baked cookies, shortbread and other things too numerous to name.
   Did I eat? Heck, yeah. In fact I (and quite a few others) went for 2nds. Some (not including me) went for 3rds! I did not need supper last night, and I may not have lunch.
   So much for the weight I've lost over the past months/years. Thank goodness Christmas only comes once a year!


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