Thursday 20 July 2017

Yes, More Flowers

   As regular viewers will know, my wife is an avid gardener, and every year she does some magical things with what little space we have for flowers etc. This year, however, hasn't been very good for her flowerbeds, with a lack of rain being the big problem.
   That aside, she did get a good growth on her Tango Lilies this year, the 2nd year she's had them. However, her Eye Liner lilies did not even come up after last year. Why, she doesn't know.
   She also planted tomato's for a 2nd year, and they've finally started to come along, albeit slowly. Part of the problem with them is we didn't get the heritage variety like we did last year.
   But, gardening is gardening (she says), and Mother Nature rules. But She's dealt us a rather lousy weather hand this year.


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