Friday 28 July 2017

Hot, Hot Heat

   We have been sweltering under a dome of very hot air the past few days, and it doesn't look like much relief is in store. In fact, the mercury is forecast to get up to 32 C today (just under 90 F), and heat warnings are out for quite a few parts of not only Saskatchewan, but most of western Canada as well.
   Luckily, I work in an air conditioned office, although it wasn't functioning Monday, drive an air conditioned car, and have central air in our home. After having lived in Saskatchewan for more than 20 years, we knew we needed it. When we bought our place, the first thing we did was have it installed. We still use good old-fashioned fans, as well, but just to keep the air moving, primarily in our upstairs bedrooms.
   And yes, we do keep it running 24/7 during the worst of the heat wave. It's just easier to let it cycle, rather than having to wait quite a while before it cools the house to a comfortable level. I don't know if we're saving anything on our power bill by doing it that way, but I feel it's cheaper in the long run.
   As for the heat-wave ending any time soon: Tuesday looks to be the coolest so far at 26 C, but a forecaster at the weather office says it'll heat up again after that.
   Stay cool!


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