Monday 17 July 2017

Another Tour In The Books

   It's one of the highlights for my wife every year. The Secret Gardens Tour, where (as a fundraiser for a local dance academy) people throw open their gardens for others to look at. You get a passport when you buy your ticket and, as you can see, get it stamped at each venue.
   There were 23 gardens on the tour this year. We managed to get to 20 of them in a 7 hour stretch. Luckily, there were a few groupings of 3 or so in the same general area, which meant it was easy to get to them.
   Here are some of the highlights:
   All in all, it was (for me) nearly 11 hours behind the wheel, what with the drive to Regina from Yorkton, then puttering around to all the sites, then back home again. And it was hot! It got up to 29 Celsius. But, I have a/c in the car, and we managed to park in shady areas for the most part.
   And, yes, my wife's already looking forward to next year's event.


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