Tuesday 25 July 2017


   We all get them now and then. That sudden, impulsive urge for a specific food item. Whether it's popcorn, ice cream, taco chips or pickles, you have to have them, and you have to have them now. So it was for me on the way into work this morning, after I, for some reason, woke up 20 minutes before my normal 03:45.
   After my morning ablutions, I got in the car, and it hit. A craving for an egg McMuffin. So, instead of turning left to get to work, I turned right and headed for the only McDonalds in town open 24 hours
   McD's has what they call "Breakfast All Day", so I naturally assumed I could get a bacon and egg AND a sausage McMuffin before trekking into the office to start my day.
   But as I pulled up to the drive-through, I was informed that the "breakfast menu doesn't start until 04:00". Am I missing something? Either "All Day Breakfast" means just what it says, or it doesn't. And if it doesn't, don't advertise it as such. Or did the crew at the location I went to think that 03:45 was still "night", meaning "All Day Breakfast" didn't apply?
   Dejected, I left without getting anything, headed down the block to one of our Tim Horton's and got a bagel. Which is a poor substitute for an egg McMuffin, when you're really craving one.
   C'mon McD's: Either provide the meal you advertise, or go back to the old menu, meaning you couldn't get a burger until 11:00, and nothing from the breakfast menu after.


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