Monday 31 July 2017


   For some of us, a cup of coffee is a luxury to be savoured. For others, like me, it's not only a necessity, but it's the staff of life. Not that I drink a lot of it, but I need my 2 cups in the morning to be able to get through the rest of the day. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm coffee dependent, even though I do limit myself to those 2 cups.
   The very first thing I do every morning at work, without fail, is to start a fresh pot of Joe. That gets done before I even go into the newsroom and switch on the lights. Before I fire up my workstations. Before I actually sit down and start working. While the life giving liquid is on the brew, I start my daily routine of setting up newscasts, writing stories and getting the weather. THEN I go get the 1st cup.
   So you can imagine my despair when I got into work this morning and found no coffee. There was nothing in our dispenser, there was nothing in the usual stash where such supplies are kept. I couldn't even bolt down to the nearest Tim's to get a cup.
   Luckily, someone went to the store and bought some. But it was too late for me. I quit drinking coffee about 08:00, and don't have any throughout the rest of the day. But, we've got an emergency supply in, and tomorrow is another day. Hopefully with coffee.


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