Monday 31 July 2017


   For some of us, a cup of coffee is a luxury to be savoured. For others, like me, it's not only a necessity, but it's the staff of life. Not that I drink a lot of it, but I need my 2 cups in the morning to be able to get through the rest of the day. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm coffee dependent, even though I do limit myself to those 2 cups.
   The very first thing I do every morning at work, without fail, is to start a fresh pot of Joe. That gets done before I even go into the newsroom and switch on the lights. Before I fire up my workstations. Before I actually sit down and start working. While the life giving liquid is on the brew, I start my daily routine of setting up newscasts, writing stories and getting the weather. THEN I go get the 1st cup.
   So you can imagine my despair when I got into work this morning and found no coffee. There was nothing in our dispenser, there was nothing in the usual stash where such supplies are kept. I couldn't even bolt down to the nearest Tim's to get a cup.
   Luckily, someone went to the store and bought some. But it was too late for me. I quit drinking coffee about 08:00, and don't have any throughout the rest of the day. But, we've got an emergency supply in, and tomorrow is another day. Hopefully with coffee.


Friday 28 July 2017

Hot, Hot Heat

   We have been sweltering under a dome of very hot air the past few days, and it doesn't look like much relief is in store. In fact, the mercury is forecast to get up to 32 C today (just under 90 F), and heat warnings are out for quite a few parts of not only Saskatchewan, but most of western Canada as well.
   Luckily, I work in an air conditioned office, although it wasn't functioning Monday, drive an air conditioned car, and have central air in our home. After having lived in Saskatchewan for more than 20 years, we knew we needed it. When we bought our place, the first thing we did was have it installed. We still use good old-fashioned fans, as well, but just to keep the air moving, primarily in our upstairs bedrooms.
   And yes, we do keep it running 24/7 during the worst of the heat wave. It's just easier to let it cycle, rather than having to wait quite a while before it cools the house to a comfortable level. I don't know if we're saving anything on our power bill by doing it that way, but I feel it's cheaper in the long run.
   As for the heat-wave ending any time soon: Tuesday looks to be the coolest so far at 26 C, but a forecaster at the weather office says it'll heat up again after that.
   Stay cool!


Tuesday 25 July 2017


   We all get them now and then. That sudden, impulsive urge for a specific food item. Whether it's popcorn, ice cream, taco chips or pickles, you have to have them, and you have to have them now. So it was for me on the way into work this morning, after I, for some reason, woke up 20 minutes before my normal 03:45.
   After my morning ablutions, I got in the car, and it hit. A craving for an egg McMuffin. So, instead of turning left to get to work, I turned right and headed for the only McDonalds in town open 24 hours
   McD's has what they call "Breakfast All Day", so I naturally assumed I could get a bacon and egg AND a sausage McMuffin before trekking into the office to start my day.
   But as I pulled up to the drive-through, I was informed that the "breakfast menu doesn't start until 04:00". Am I missing something? Either "All Day Breakfast" means just what it says, or it doesn't. And if it doesn't, don't advertise it as such. Or did the crew at the location I went to think that 03:45 was still "night", meaning "All Day Breakfast" didn't apply?
   Dejected, I left without getting anything, headed down the block to one of our Tim Horton's and got a bagel. Which is a poor substitute for an egg McMuffin, when you're really craving one.
   C'mon McD's: Either provide the meal you advertise, or go back to the old menu, meaning you couldn't get a burger until 11:00, and nothing from the breakfast menu after.


Thursday 20 July 2017

Yes, More Flowers

   As regular viewers will know, my wife is an avid gardener, and every year she does some magical things with what little space we have for flowers etc. This year, however, hasn't been very good for her flowerbeds, with a lack of rain being the big problem.
   That aside, she did get a good growth on her Tango Lilies this year, the 2nd year she's had them. However, her Eye Liner lilies did not even come up after last year. Why, she doesn't know.
   She also planted tomato's for a 2nd year, and they've finally started to come along, albeit slowly. Part of the problem with them is we didn't get the heritage variety like we did last year.
   But, gardening is gardening (she says), and Mother Nature rules. But She's dealt us a rather lousy weather hand this year.


Monday 17 July 2017

Another Tour In The Books

   It's one of the highlights for my wife every year. The Secret Gardens Tour, where (as a fundraiser for a local dance academy) people throw open their gardens for others to look at. You get a passport when you buy your ticket and, as you can see, get it stamped at each venue.
   There were 23 gardens on the tour this year. We managed to get to 20 of them in a 7 hour stretch. Luckily, there were a few groupings of 3 or so in the same general area, which meant it was easy to get to them.
   Here are some of the highlights:
   All in all, it was (for me) nearly 11 hours behind the wheel, what with the drive to Regina from Yorkton, then puttering around to all the sites, then back home again. And it was hot! It got up to 29 Celsius. But, I have a/c in the car, and we managed to park in shady areas for the most part.
   And, yes, my wife's already looking forward to next year's event.


Wednesday 12 July 2017

It Really Was A Simple Question

   Morning guru Danny Ismond did have what at first blush seemed a simple and innocent question on our GX94 App and GX94 Facebook page: "What's your favourite phone app"?

   But during our daily chat, things got a bit more complicated. While I did answer the question (Facebook and our in house pages, along with a game or 2), things degenerated, and we ended up doing an App count.
   I'm ashamed to say my tally was a paltry 23. Danny, on the other hand, totted up 182 on his phone. And he claims to use them all.
   But still, both of us got to thinking about what we have on our phones. I need to find some new interests and Apps, while Danny says it might be time for a "purge".


Tuesday 11 July 2017

It's Slow Right Now

   The dog days of summer are definitely here. To say things are a bit slow right now is an understatement. And it's also why I haven 't posted anything for a week. Not that there hasn't been any news to report on. The G-20 summit, the local Exhibition and Summer Fair, wildfires in B.C and the U.S and summer storms.
   There just hasn't been much happening in my own world. Not, at least, until this Saturday. That's the Secret Garden Tour in Regina, an event my wife looks forward to each and every year. We always get together with one of her friends in the Queen City for the tour, and this year, one of her friends in Yorkton will join us.
   And with the high Saturday forecast in the mid 30 Celsius range, I'll be very glad I've got A/C in the car.


Tuesday 4 July 2017

Happy 4th!

   Just as we in Canada did July 1st for our 150th birthday (Canada, or "Dominion" Day), people across the U.S.A are celebrating Independence Day. To my American viewers, I wish you a Happy and safe 4th of July!