Tuesday 6 December 2016

Is It Really 10 Years?

   It has in fact been a decade since these furry babies came to their forever home. We had to say "goodbye" to 2 other cats a few weeks earlier in November 2006 due to old age and illness, and there was a huge hole in the family we needed to fill. So, my eldest son and I braved a prairie blizzard and headed off to the Regina Humane Society. My wife had asked if we could find 2 female cats to adopt (her preference). But after a long search, hampered by the fact there was a disease running rampant which limited our choices, we "picked" these 2 boys.
   Actually, the tan one reached through his cage and grabbed onto my son, so we had to take him. The grey one was a different story. Rather than meow like the other prospective cat adoptees, he sat silently. Rather than paw at people walking by, he sat silently. I knew then and there we had to have him.
   So, packing them into carriers loaned by the Society, we set off into the blizzard again on the trek home. Which was accompanied by a lot of caterwauling from our 2 new family members. After showing both where the litter boxes and food were, we settled in to get used to each other. It did not take the grey one long to imprint onto me. He leaped up and perched on my left shoulder which, to this day, is his favourite place.
   We did add to our "family" 5 years after we got these 2, a little black and white female I saw on an adoption website.
   I mentioned earlier they have a "forever" home, and I meant it. All 3 came with us when we moved from Regina to Yorkton, and the 2 females who were part of our lives for 17 years came with us when we moved from Thunder Bay, Ontario to Regina back in '97.
   Can they be infuriating? Yes. Can they be insufferable at times? Yes. Are we glad we adopted them? Yes.


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