Saturday 10 December 2016

I've Been Given A Task

   And it's from GX94's mid-day announcer Tonya Cherry. Regular viewers of this blog will know she puts out a cookbook every year, with proceeds going back into the community where they were sold. And that's in many locations right around the Parkland region. Regular viewers will also know I'm a bit of a dab-hand when it comes to cooking, and can knock off some great tasting meals.
   So what Tonya has asked me, and a few of the other on-air staff here, is to cook (or bake) a recipe to bring in for a taste-test. Not one from this years cookbook or others in the past, but recipes she gets sent in advance of next year's book. She's given me a stir-fry to do up. And wouldn't you know it, stir-fry is one of my specialities! She's also asked that I "document" the experiment (take photos), so she can up-load them to our station website and Facebook page. The chop suey recipe I'm doing calls for either beef, chicken or pork. I've made an editorial decision, and will go with pork.
   And that's where I'm going to leave this for now. I will, of course, update this forum (with pictures) once we've tasted the dish, likely Tuesday.


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