Friday 16 December 2016

Winter Vacation

   I will be taking next week off for my winter break. Everyone in our newsroom gets a full week off over the festive season, and mine just happens to be the week ahead of Christmas.
   My plans: Do as little as possible, aside from finishing off Christmas shopping etc. But that won't take long. Other than that, I'll probably continue my tradition of watching the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. It's something I started doing in 2013 when we first got our house here in Yorkton. My wife was still living in Regina, waiting for our house to be sold, and I had to work Boxing Day (the 26th ). So, I binge-watched all 3 movies Christmas Day that year. I'll stretch it out over 3 days next week.
   I'll be back at it Monday the 26th, Boxing Day in Canada. Meantime, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hope the festive season is a good one for you all!


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