Monday 6 June 2016

Back At It

   After a couple of weeks of "rest", I am back. And it feels pretty darn good too. My 'vacation', such as it was, wasn't exactly "restful", although it was 2 weeks away from the office.
   I won't bore you with all the details, but here's why vacation 2016 wasn't exactly what I'd planned. On the Victoria Day weekend, my wife and I went to Regina for her annual plant-shopping expedition, which was a success. I'd made a promise to her that I'd dig up part of the front yard for another flower bed. I'm amazed at 2 things. One, that I actually got it done (it took 2 days to do so), and Two, just about everything hurt afterwards. I've had a bad back for decades, and stooping over to dig up grass and dirt didn't help it. But it's done, and looks really good.
   Week 2 was taken up entirely by 'babysitting' the house while we get new flooring put in. The place is only 3 years old, but the carpet the builders put in was cheap and nasty, and had started to wear badly even before we brought our 3 cats into the mix.
   Installing it should have taken (we were told) 3 days. As of this post, it will be day 6 of the project, and we're hoping it'll get finished. So, my goal of doing as little as possible did not get met, along with getting out and doing some fishing.
   Another fly in the ointment was the fact that, for about the 3rd year in a row, my wife and I could not coordinate our schedules to get time off together. We hope to change that next year.
   All is not lost, though. I've got another week off coming up at the end of August, and I fully intend to achieve the goal of doing as little as possible. But for now, it's back at it.


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