Monday 20 June 2016

Summer's Here

   That was taken from one of the windows in our office just after 04:00 local time. And what a glorious morning to mark the start of summer! Today is the solstice, and summer will officially begin at 4:34 p.m my time.
   I, for one, am ready for summer. Not that this past winter was horribly horrible. In fact, it was (compared to years past) quite mild. Thanks to El Nino. However, El Nino is transiting into La Nina, which could mean a brutal winter this year. Be that as it may, it's still a long way off, and we're now into the "warm months" of the year.
   I hope to be able to get out fishing this year, it'd be the first time in quite a while. I'll also likely be spending time helping my wife garden. Usually by simply staying out of her way.
   And speaking of gardens, one of the highlights of the year for my wife is coming up in July, with the annual "Secret Garden Tour" in Regina. I, once again, will chauffeur her and one of her friends to as many of the venues as we can on a Saturday.
   One slight downside is the fact I've used up almost all my vacation time for the year. I still have 1 week off, and plan on taking that at the end of August before we head into the busy fall schedule.
   Best thing of all for us over the next couple of months is the fact we've got central air for those really hot days.
   Happy Summer!


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