Wednesday 29 June 2016

More Musical Moments

   I've had this finger piano for quite a few years now. I bought if from an African import store when we lived in Regina. Sadly, they closed several years ago, but not before we made several purchases there.
   Basically, it's just some steel flattened at one end, with a different pitch for each. The bottle caps were added (I'm guessing here) to add a reverb to the sound. I brought it in to work today after talking with some of my co-workers about music and instruments.
   Can I play it? Lets just say I can make noises on it, but nothing identifiable as a tune.
   And during the search for it yesterday, it occurred to me that I actually have quite a few musical instruments crammed into my man-room.
   In addition to the finger piano, there's my kiddie bagpipes, 3 guitars, my didgeridoo and a set of African bongo drums. The guitars are about the only instrument I can actually play, albeit poorly.
   The question begs to be asked: If I can barely play an instrument, why buy it at all? In the case of the guitars, I blogged a while back that I could actually play some 3 decades ago, and can still do so to a limited degree now. The didgeridoo I bought 'cause I liked it. And I learned how to play it, to a minimal skill, in 6 weeks ahead of Halloween a few years back. The bagpipes I got for Robbie Burns Day, and truthfully, I don't think I'll ever get more than squeaking noises from them. The finger (or more properly thumb) piano I got, again, 'cause I liked it. Same with the African drums. No other reasons than these.


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