Tuesday 28 June 2016

Random Ramblings

   Who knew? Iceland has knocked England out of the European Championships with a 2-1 win in the Round of 16, and a berth in the quarterfinals. Wayne Rooney scored from the penalty spot in the opening minutes, but the Icelanders came roaring back with 2 in the first half, sealing the win.
   Normally, I'm an England fan. At least until they get knocked out of the competition (which happens all too often), when I switch allegiances. Normally, I'd start rooting for Italy, but I've got to go with the underdogs this time 'round. Iceland takes on host France in the quarterfinals.

   A few months back, I blogged about my guitar build, which turned out quite nicely. Yesterday, I added to my meager collection, buying a factory built Epiphone SG Special:
   Which compliments my L.P build. I managed to come up with the money for it by selling my compound bow. Not that I really wanted to, but I've developed bursitis in both shoulders, and drawing back the bow (even with a 65% let-off) simply got too painful.
   My playing is still quite painful, especially for other members of my family, but I am getting better. In fact, I'm almost near the point I was 30+ years ago when I quit playing (if not better). Not that that's saying much, but since I'll never EVER perform anywhere, WTH.
   That's about enough rambling for now.


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