Friday 20 May 2016

I'm Being 'Sharked'

   At least, that's the term we use when it comes to my furry buddy above. We're pretty sure he's part Siamese (or just all crazy), but one of his habits is walking in circles around our kitchen, dining and living rooms. It's an "open" floor plan. He doesn't just do it once or twice, but several times. It's almost like a shark circling it's prey, hence our term.
   While it is a little annoying to have him do this, it's gotten worse, and is now affecting my sleep pattern, leaving me exhausted even before I get into the office at 04:00. He's gotten into his little kitty brain that it's a good idea to jump up at the foot of the bed, walk (or 'shark') around me, including walking over my head, then down the other side before jumping off the foot of the bed.
   As bad as that is, he's decided to "rinse and repeat" doing this several times. Last night, it wasn't too bad, since he started about 10:00 p.m. What irks me is when he decides it's nice to do it at 01:30! It's also wakened my wife, who gets up about an hour after me so she can head to work.
   I've tried shoving him off the bed, and all I get is a loud "meow", and him jumping right back up to start the whole thing again. Fortunately, he'll likely drop doing this in a week or so, and get back to what passes for 'normal' for him.

   And a quick note: I'm off on vacation for the next 2 weeks, so I won't be posting until June 6th. I'm looking forward to some "down time" to re-charge the batteries. And hopefully not have a cat 'sharking' me at night.


Wednesday 18 May 2016

It's Not Very Exciting Right Now

   You can almost hear the crickets chirp in the background. It has not been the most exciting week, to say the least, hence the lack of posts. And yet, there's been a lot happening. Wildfires continue burning out of control in Alberta. Legislatures in both Saskatchewan and Manitoba got back to work after elections in both provinces. A new staff member started this week. But still.....
   I think part of it is the time of year. We're getting close to summer, which becomes nearly a "dead zone" for us when it comes to events etc. Not that stuff doesn't happen. Far from it. Just not as much as other times of the year. Just 2 quick examples: Tonight it's Supper in the Field #3 for spring, and I enjoy those. As well, a huge film festival gets rolling for the May long weekend. My wife and I have plans to head to Regina this weekend. And we're supposed to have new flooring put in to our home soon.
   So, why do I feel bored?


Friday 13 May 2016

It's Friday The 13th

   And there's good news for anyone suffering from Triskaidekaphobia, the fear of Friday the 13th. This will be the only one for 2016, unlike last year when there were 3. That was February, March and November.
   I'm not sure where the whole thing started, but there are indications that the day is unlucky going back to Biblical times, if not earlier. A lot more recently: Buildings never used to have a 13th floor, going from 12 to 14.
   And the list of superstitions related to the day is interesting, to say the least. For example; if you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, someone in your family will die. If a black cat crosses your path, you break a mirror or walk under a ladder, you'll have bad luck. And if you're born on a Friday the 13, you'll have bad luck ALL YOUR LIFE. At least, according to superstition.
   I don't believe in any of this. In fact, I busted a mirror chasing a black cat under a ladder on my way for a haircut on 1 of the 3 Friday the 13th's last year. Nothing happened to me. And I believe nothing ever will. It's just another Friday ahead of the weekend, which I hope you all enjoy!


Thursday 12 May 2016

Marking A Milestone

   Yup. I'm 60 today. It means I'm eligible for my Canada Pension, among other things. And while I am marking a milestone this year, to me it's just like any other day (aside from the good wishes etc). Get up, go to work, leave work, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. That sounded a little snide and cynical, which it wasn't meant to. But I have no plans to mark the occasion. No "big dinner" out. In fact, since my wife works Thursday evenings, it'll likely be pizza tonight.
   I did manage to escape having my workspace decorated by fellow staffers, like they did to my friend and co-worker Rod McDonald when they festooned his desk with streamers, sparkles and candles.
   I've blogged before about how lucky I've been, both personally and professionally, so there's no need for the back-story on that, and I'm not going to do any navel-gazing or "what if's" when it comes to my life and career so far as I turn 60. Suffice it to say I'm simply glad to be here.
   It's been said "you're only as old as you feel", in which case there are many days I think I'm in trouble. But be that as it may, I'm blessed with (fairly) good health, a loving wife and family, a good core of friends, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. Which is more than an awful lot of people can say.
   So thanks for all the B-Day wishes! And a big thanks to my pal Danny Ismond for photoshopping the picture. Looks good!


Monday 9 May 2016

Congrats Fox FM

   I've mentioned it a few times over the past few weeks. The Ducks Unlimited "Saucy Duck" Bar-B-Que competition pitting the station I work for, GX94, our sister FM Station Fox, one of the local papers, and CTV.
   Friday night was the "Big Night" at the annual fundraiser, and what a night it was! The food was great, the people I sat with were wonderful and all the sauces were top-notch. But, there can only be 1 winner, and this year it was Fox FM! Their entry "Sweet Kick" won, and by a landslide. Hearty Congrats to Reader (l) and Travis (r) for the winning entry.

   It was their 1st win in 4 tries, and well deserved.
   And while it is a fun competition, a word of warning guys: Danny Ismond and myself are already thinking about next year, and we will be combining our efforts, rather than "doing it alone". We're already starting to think of what to put in our sauce next year.
   Be afraid! Be very afraid.


Friday 6 May 2016

Situation Critical

   By now, you've probably seen pictures and video of the devastation being wrought by wildfires raging in Fort McMurray, Alberta. As of this posting, those fires now cover an area greater than the city of Chicago. 16 hundred structures have been destroyed, and this morning a massive convoy was taking evacuees from an oil site north of that city south. That must've been heartbreaking for the folks affected by this, having to travel through your city, see the damage and not be able to check your own home.
   Officials, including the military, are escorting 50 vehicles at a time. All intersections along the route have been blocked off, and no one is being allowed to stray away. The convoys were to have extended right through the day.
   Needless to say, the response has been incredible, with firefighters from as far away as Mexico arriving to help, radio stations have been running fundraisers, the Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations, which are being matched dollar for dollar by the federal government for individual donations. Even brewing giant Labbatt has stepped up by producing cans of water for distribution.
   No one knows how long the crisis will last, but the fires will die down eventually, and people will be going back to the city, eventually.
   This disaster will have an impact on more than just the city and surrounding area and the 80 thousand plus people now displaced. There will also be an impact on the oil industry, since Fort Mac is basically "Ground Zero" for oilsands production. So far, none of the companies in the area are reporting damage to their infrastructure, but this likely will have an impact on the oil industry far away from the fire scene.
   What can you do? If you live in Canada and are so inclined, make a cash donation to the Red Cross. And I'm also sure a prayer, if you're so inclined, would also be welcomed.


Wednesday 4 May 2016

Back For Another Year

   Tonight is the 1st of our 6 annual spring "Supper in the Field" events where we pack a motorhome with staff from our radio station, sponsors and food and head to a farm somewhere in our listening area. It's really quite hard to believe this will be my 3rd spring edition. Just shows how fast time actually flies!
   And since we've had success getting "Craig in a Combine" during the fall suppers (which I hope we can do again when harvest rolls around), I'd like to get the chance to operate another piece of farm equipment if time and circumstances allow. Maybe in a seeder or air-drill? It'd be interesting to see if I can operate those. with an experienced farm-hand right by, of course.
   But that's not the main reason I look forward to these events. Not by a long shot. I go to meet with the people who produce the food we eventually eat, and get a chance to talk with them. That's why I like going on these trips. It's to meet, talk with and share a meal with the salt-of-the-earth farmers in our region.
   And if I do get the chance to operate a piece of farming equipment, it's something this "city" boy will never turn down.


Monday 2 May 2016

(Temporarily) Changing Allegiances...UPDATE

   Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to English football, I'm a Manchester United fan. I have been for more than 45 years since I started watching CBC's "match of the week" Saturdays.
   But with the Devils out of contention for the Premiership, I'm <gasp> switching allegiances, albeit temporarily. I'm now rooting for Leicester City,

   Even though they tied Man U 1-all Saturday. This is where it gets complicated. For Leicester to clinch as early as today, they need Chelsea (boo) to beat or tie Tottenham. It would cap a fairy tale season for them after a decade out of the Premiership.
   Normally, when it comes to Chelsea, or Arsenal for that matter, I cheer for the opposing squad, since those 2 London based teams are always tough competition for the Red Devils and other teams. But it would really be nice for a team that had been "lingering" in relegation for so long to take it all.


UPDATE:  Chelsea tied Tottenham 2-2 yesterday, meaning Leicester City ARE the Premier League Champions. And at 5000-1 odds, I wish I'd put a couple hundred dollars on them to winit all at the start of the season. Me, and several thousand others, that is.