Friday 27 February 2015

February's Gone

   At least it will be tomorrow. And for the shortest month of the year, it really seemed to drag on, due no doubt to the weather we've had. Snow and cold. But why is February the shortest month, anyway?
   The answer is very long, and very convoluted. It goes back to ancient Roman times when the 2nd king of Rome decided to add 2 months to the end of their calendar year (January and February, rather than November-December) to bring it in synch with lunar cycles, making the year 364 days.
   However, the king believed that an even number brings bad luck so he added one more day to the month of January. February remained to have 28 days with no one to justify why it was untouched. I said it was convoluted, didn't I.
   It also dashes the supposition that 2 emperors (Julius and Augustus Caesar) tinkered with the calendar. It was said Julius decided he needed a month named after him, and called it July. He also didn't want his month to have fewer days than others, so he pinched one from February, which supposedly had 30 days.
   Not to be out-done, when Augustus was proclaimed emperor, he to decided he needed a month named after him (August). And not wanting to be out-done by Julius, he too took a day from February to make his month 31 days, leaving lowly February with just 28. Except in Leap Years, when there are 29. Like next year.
   I told you it was convoluted.


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